Dear James H. Fetzer,
I just got the second review of 'The Neurons In The Brain Cannot
Implement Symbolic Systems'. I understand you have high respect to
this reviewer, but he definitely slipped here.
The main argument against the main line of my paper is that my paper
fails to 'recognize the importance of levels', and is based on the
assertion that it is possible that there is 'a suitable higher level
of organization at which one can implement symbolic processes'. This
is a completely vacuous argument, because there is no such level of
organization in the brain: up to 1 mm it is stochastic (and the
reviewer agrees on this), and larger elements in the brain clearly
don't implement symbol token (I put the explicit argument below, in case
it is not intuitively obvious).
I don't see how the reviewer can recommend rejecting my paper, and
you agree with him, based on an hypothetical suggestion which is clearly
contradicted by the evidence. The least that you have to do, before
rejecting my paper based on this review, is to ask the reviewer to
suggest the potential candidate levels of organization _in the brain_
that can be used to implement symbol tokens. This will show clearly
that the reviewer (or anybody else, for that matter) does not have any
idea what this level can be.
I append an explanation why there aren't possible higher levels
which are candidates for implementing symbol tokens, and response to
the specific comments the reviewer made.
Yehouda Harpaz
Possible levels to implement symbol tokens:
Up to size of 1 mm the connectivity is stochastic (as the reviewer
agrees). As argued in my paper, this eliminates the possibility of
implementation by elements that are smaller than ~1 mm, either
spatially localized or not ( The argument in the paper is not
dependent on spatial localization).
This leaves the possibility of implementation by larger elements, i.e.
groups of neurons which are larger the 1 mm. Since inside these elements
the connectivity is stochastic, the implementation cannot be dependent
on specific details of activity of the element, and must depend on the
total activity of the element. In other words, the elements are
We know the input from sensory systems, and output to motoric systems,
do not form part the symbolic system, so I ignore them.
To implement symbol tokens, these elements have to be connected in a
coherent way, i.e. such that an element can affect
(activate/deactivate) other elements specifically. This is not seen in
the cortex. If we look at any 1mm square in the cortex sheet, it sends
output its neighbors in all directions. There is nothing to
distinguish the output to one neighbor from the output to another
neighbor, because the neurons that send the output to different
neighbors are mixed together (and in many (most?) cases the same
neuron send output to several directions). The same is true for longer
projections. Local connectivity inside the element cannot be used to
sort this out, because it is stochastic.
(Sensory input from the LGN to the visual cortex in an example of
stochastic low-level connectivity with coherent connectivity in the
1mm level, i.e. specific elements in the LGN are connected to specific
elements in the visual cortex. However, this kind of specific
connectivity is not seen inside the cortex itself).
The first level in which there is something like a coherent
connectivity is the level of brodmann areas of the cortex. At this
level, however, the number of primitive elements is far too small to
implement a symbolic system and all the knowledge that a human has.
Response to specific comments:
The only comment that has a bearing on the main line of argument of
the paper is the one on pp 8-9, So I will start with it. My comments
are indented.
pp. 8-9: This argument is not at all clear to me, and hence not
compelling. Why must the analysis of dynamic properties be at the
individual neuron level?
- The argument is not clear because the reviewer did not read it
carefully. The text does not discuss the activity of an individual
neuron, but patterns of activity, i.e. activity of many neurons. This
is valid, because anything that happens in the brain is neural
- I urge the author to take a look at the work of Scott kelso (no
friend of a symbolic approach himself) and other dynamicists who work
generally at much higher level.
- The work of Kelso and other dynamicists does not give any hint of
a possible level of implementing symbol tokens, and it does not
present any data or argument that can weaken my argument. This comment
is completely spurious.
- As the argument moves on, the confusion of levels continues to
develop: the notion of 'location' in a high-level symbolic analysis
does not have to refer to a discrete location in the brain --e.g,
specific neurons.
- The argument in the text is independent on the way 'location' is
defined, and this point is made explicitly in the text, in the second
sentence in third paragraph on page 9. The reviewer clearly skip this
Response to other comments:
The rest of the comments are not related to the main line of the
paper, so the discussion here is actually besides the point. I put it
here just for completion. My comments are indented.
- I am very worried about the paper that relies on textbook
knowledge of neuroscience. But if one is to that, why not go to the
bible: Kandel and Schwartz? The same applies to the author's
characterization of the cognitive literature.
- The reviewer does not explain what is wrong with textbook
knowledge, and I cannot think of any reason not to rely on it. That
looks to me like a slip of the pen.
The question about Kandel and Schwartz is odd. The reviewer may have
meant to say that he recommends that this will be in the reference
list, but in this case he should have said that. In any case, Kandel
and Schwartz don't supply any evidence that contradict my paper.
I couldn't understand the point of the last sentence.
P. 3, Bottom: There are some other characteristics that I think are
more salient in the choice of symbolic approach: ability to account
for productivity and systematicity, ability to solve binding
problems, etc.
- Maybe.
P. 3, top: This seems to ignore the point of the cognitive modeling.
The point is to provide a framework that can handle what the brain
DOES. This does require that the framework can be implemented, but
that the choice of characteristics in a cognitive architecture is
hardly made because the characteristics are relevant to the brain if
that means we can simply find the characteristics are, say, the single
neuron level.
- I failed to parse the last sentence. I think it got mangled in
some way.
- P. 4, top : here a crucial ambiguity begins to emerge--is the
problem that these characteristics are not implementable by neurons,
or by anything built out of neurons?
- There is no ambiguity at all. The text clearly talks about
the impossibility of implementation by neurons in the brain (I will
have to add 'in the brain' to the text). This necessarily also means
that it cannot be implemented by anything that is built on neurons.
- P. 6, top: There is growing evidence of some limited nerve
regeneration in different parts of the brain; this seems to be a case
of changes in connectivity.
- I didn't say that there are no changes at all. As I clearly
stated in the text, the main point is that any change that does happen
happen far too slowly to be part of the mechanism of thinking.
- p. 6, middle: I am not sure what is meant by "a well-defined
structure". Results from neuroimaging and lesion studies do suggest
patterns of structure-function relations. Is that what is meant?
- By "a well-defined structure" I mean a structure that is defined
well enough that it can be matched between (almost) all individuals
of the same species (Note that it does not _have_ to be genetically
defined, though). In as much as the results of the studies are
reproducible between individuals, they imply well-defined structures.
- P. 7, bottom: "The stochastic nature of the low-level
connectivity is almost never mentioned explicitly in neurobiological
textbooks, probably because it is regarded as a non-fact." This is
an extremely dangerous inference. I doubt anyone in mainstream
neuroscience would deny a high degree of stochastic organization, and
would certainly bring it up in development context. However, what is of
more interest is the higher level regularities that emerge. This would
be like charging someone working at the biochemical level of denying
quantum effects because they don't talk about them.
- This is a misunderstanding, because of a sloppy writing. The
reviewer took 'non-fact' to mean 'false', while I meant 'a fact
without any interesting consequences'. I will clarify the point. I am
sure neurobiologists understand the stochasticity of low-level
connectivity, and make this clear in the first paragraph of section 6
(P. 11, top).
- PP. 8-9 - discussed above.
- p. 11, middle: as far as I know, common-sense usually makes no
predictions about human behavior at the level that it is usually
modeled in cognitive simulations. The fact that simulations has made
many predictions which have been tested by complex behavioral
experiments (and then often falsified) suggests the positive role of
these simulations.
- Only if we have a reason to believe that the experiments to test
these predictions were more productive than other experiments. The
reviewer does not bring any argument for this. The illusion that
symbolic models give useful hypotheses for testing is discussed
further on P. 15.
- P. 12: The claim: "Until the evaluation of models will be based
solely on brain related parameters, realistic models of the brain
will never get noticed" seems obviously false. First of all, the
author seems to call for rejecting behavioral parameters.
- That is nonsense, because behavioral parameters (of humans) are
clearly brain related. My statement is against using behavioral
parameters of computer simulations for evaluating models of the brain.
I made this clear in the last paragraph of section 8 (p. 15), which the
reviewer probably skipped.
It is interesting to note that even though the reviewer thought the
statement seems obviously false, he did not bother to consider
alternative interpretation.
- Many neuroscientists would balk at that. Moreover, the modeling
community is far less hegemonic than the author suggests. There are
lots of different modeling frameworks in place, some clearly brain
motivated (e.g., Freeman's dynamic models grounded on studies of the
olfactory cortex).
- My statement is indeed too wide-range, and the second part should
read: "realistic models of the COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS of the brain will
never get noticed." In more peripheral areas, like sensory systems,
other models can do better.
- P. 14, top: There seems to a perfectly obvious reading of "not
wholly constrained" which has nothing to do with the author's
interpretation: my word-processor is not wholly constrained by the
chip running in it: clever design at the software level and my input
change what it does.
- The problem with this interpretation is that it is obviously
false when applied to the brain. The word-processor can show more
'intelligent' behavior that the CPU can on its own, because it has
the benefit of computer programmers that understand how it works, and
are much more clever than the CPU or the word-processor. The brain
doesn't have this luxury, and _is_ constrained to the performance its
own physical structure.
Note that operationally the word processor _is_ constrained by the CPU,
in the sense that any operation that the word-process can do is
necessarily expressible as a sequence of operations of the CPU.
In the same way, the operation of the brain is constrained by neurons,
in the sense that any operation of the brain is necessarily expressible
as neural activity.
- P. 15: I think a more thorough review of the literature is needed
to make the charge that symbolic modeling has "hardly ever" generated
hypotheses worthy of empirical testing. This seems to be just
blatantly wrong. A lot of fruitful cognitive experimentation has been
motivated by computational models, and now the same is applying to
cognitive neuroscience. (for some examples, consider the work of Dom
Massaro, Roger Ratcliff, Max Coltheart and pinker and prince among
huge list of others).
- This comment is based on the false assumption that finding
several papers testing hypotheses from a model shows that the model is
useful. As I wrote in page 15, a model is useful when it leads to
significant insights about the system under investigation. A
reasonable, quasi-objective initial test for the significance of an
insight is whether it finds its way to the the text books of the field
(the ultimate test is whether it leads to applications, in other
fields or commercial). As I continued on page 15, cognitive
psychology text books don't mention any such insight from symbolic
models, and even specific books about symbolic models cannot find any
such insight. As I am sure the reviewer is fully aware, these models
have nothing to say for neurobiologists and neuroanatomists either.